Notolychnus valdiviae (Brauer, 1904)
Myctophum valdiviae Brauer, 1904, Zool. Anz., 28: 398, fig. 6 (no locality). Twelve presumable syntypes: ZMHU no. 17586 (2),17587 (2),17588 (4),17589 (4).
Myctophum (Myctophum) valdiviae: Brauer, 1906: 206-208, fig. 127 | Pappenheim, 1914: 194.
Myctophum valdiviae: Gilbert, 1913: 84 | Tåning, 1918: 151, fig. 47; 1928: 57 | Parr, 1928: 57 | Tåning, 1931: pl. 121 (fig. 1) | Fowler, 1936: 375, fig. 181 | Beebe and Vander Pyl, 1944: 78 | Lozano Rey, 1947: 454-455, fig. 143 | Nybelin, 1948: 38.
Vestula valdiviae: Bolin, 1946: 146-148, fig. 4.
Notolychnus valdiviae: Fraser-Brunncr, 1949: 1077, fig. | Bolin, 1959: 23 | Rass, 1960: 148 | Backus et al., 1965: 145 | Berry and Perkins, 1966: 659 | Bekker, 1967a: 108; 1967b: 165, 177 | Nafpaktitis and Nafpaktitis, 1969: 33, fig. 37-38 | Backus et al., 1969: 95 | Craddock and Mead, 1970: 3.30.
Common names: