Lepidophanes guentheri

Lepidophanes guentheri (Goode and Bean, 1896)


Lampanyctus güntheri Goode and Bean, 1896, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 22: 78-80, pl. 24 (fig. 90) (Newfoundland Banks). Holotype: USNM no. 43777.
Myctophum (Lampanyctus) güntheri: Pappenheim, 1914: 196.
Lampanyctus guentheri: Tåning, 1928: 65 | Norman, 1930: 329 | Belloc, 1938: 298, fig. 18.
Lampanyctus guntheri: Parr, 1928: 82, part.
Lampanyctus melanothorax: Parr, 1928, Bull. Bingham oceanogr. Coll., 3 (3): 82, 98-101, fig. 14 (Bahama Isl.). Holotype: BOC no. 2260.
Lampanyctus güntheri: Parr, 1929a: 14, part., fig. 5 | Fowler, 1936: 389, fig. 189.
Lampanyctus (Lepidophanes) guentheri: Fraser-Brunner, 1949: 1091, fig.
Lepidophanes güntheri: Bolin, 1959: 34-35 | Bekker, 1967a: 118.
Lepidophanes guentheri: Mead, 1963: 254 | Backus et al., 1965: 145; 1969: 95.

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