Gonichthys coccoi

Gonichthys coccoi Cocco, 1829


Scopelus cocco Cocco, 1829, G. Sci. Lett. Art. Sicilia, (7i): 143 (Messina). No type material.
Alysia loricata Lowe, 1839, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 7: 87 (Madeira). No type material.
Scopelus cocco: Bonaparte, 1840, fasc. XXVII, pta. 138:1 p., fig. 6.
Myctophum hians Richardson, 1845, Ichthyol., Voy. H.M.S. Erebus and Terror: 41-42, pl. XXVII (fig. 19-21) (no locality). Two syntypes: BMNH no. 1847.12.31.1-2.
Scopelus coccoi: Valenciennes, 1849, in Cuv. and Val., 1849: 440 | Günther, 1864a: 413-414 | Canestrini, 1872: 125 | Doderlein, 1874-1875: 54-55 | Raffaele, 1889: 182-183, pl. VII (fig. 5) | Moreau, 1891: 90 92.
Scopelus jagorii Peters, 1859, Mber. preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1859: 411. Eight syntypes: ZMHU no. 3811.
Scopelus (Rhinoscopelus) coccoi: Lütken, 1892b: 243, part., fig. 2.
Scopelus gracilis Lütken, 1892b, K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., (6) 7: 237, 255, part. (off Akyab, Burma). Holotype: ZMO no. J 719; paratypes: ZMUC no. 47 and 162, not the remaining paratypes ZMUC no. 34-37 and 168 equalling G. barnesi Whitley, 1933.
Rhinoscopelus coccoi: Goode and Bean, 1896: 90, pl. 28 (fig. 104).
Myctophum (Myctophum) hians: Brauer, 1906: 194-196, part.
Myctophum (Myctophum) coccoi: Brauer, 1906: 199-202, part., fig. 116-120 | Pappenheim, 1914: 194.
Myctophum coccoi: Tåning, 1918: 67-70, part., fig. 23-24; 1928: 55; 1933: pl. 113 (fig. l) | Maul, 1946a: 29, fig. 10 | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 345.
Myctophum (Rhinoscopelus) coccoi: Roule and Angel, 1933: 28 | Belloc, 1938: 296.
Gonichthys cocco: Bolin, 1939: fig. 3 | Fraser-Brunner, 1949b: 1064, fig.
Gonichthys coccoi: Bolin, 1959: 16-17 | Leim and Scott, 1966: 143 | Bekker, 1967a: 98 | Backus et al., 1969: 94 | Tortonese, 1970e: 221, fig. 86B | Bini, 1971: 175-176 2 fig. (one in colour).

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