Bathypterois phenax

Bathypterois phenax Parr, 1928


?Bathypterois ater Gilchrist, 1908
Bathypterois atricolor phenax Parr, 1928
Bathypterois phenax Fowler, 1944
Bathypterois (Bathypterois) phenax Mead 1966c
Bathypterois phenax Parr, 1928, Bull. Bingham Ocean. Coll., 3 (3): 31 (off the Bahama Isl.). Holotype: BOC 2133.
Bathypterois phenax: Mead, 1966: 136, fig. 40 | Sulak, 1977: 90.

Common names:

blackfin spiderfish [UK and USA]