Microchirus hexophthalma

Microchirus hexophthalma Bennett, 1831


Solea hexophthalma Bennett, 1831, Proc. zool. Soc. London: 147 (Atlantic coast of North-West Africa). Holotype: BMNH no. 1955.12.26.540.
Solea hexophthalma: Günther, 1862: 465 | Pellegrin, 1905a: 137 | Chabanaud and Monod, 1926: 281 | Fowler, 1936: 512 | Blache et al., 1970: 434, fig. 1101.
Dicologlossa hexophthalma: Chabanaud, 1927a, Bull Inst. océanogr. Monaco, (488): 16-18 (coasts of Mauritania).
Quenselia hexophthalma: Chabanaud, 1930b, (555): 11.
Microchirus hexophthalmus: Roux, 1957, Poiss. mar.: 233, fig. 108 (no locality).
Quenselia hexophthalmus: Arnoult et al., 1966: 19.

Common name:

six-eyed sole [UK and USA]