Microchirus azevia

Microchirus (Zevaia) azevia Capello, 1867


Solea azevia Capello, 1867, J. Sci. math. phys. nat., 1:166 (Portugal) (type not traced).
? Pleuronectes theophilus Risso, 1810, Ichthyol. Nice: 313. Type: lost.
? Rhombus theophilus: Risso, 1826: 256.
Solea vulgaris var. azevia: Steindachner, 1868a: 720, pl. 5.
Solea azevia: Kyle, 1913: 118.
Dicologlossa azevia: Chabanaud, 1927, (488): 18 | Wheeler, 1969: 550, fig.
Quenselia azevia: Chabanaud, 1930, (555): 11 | Dieuzeide et al., 1955: 317.
Solea theophila: Fowler, 1936,1: 512-513, fig. 243 (part.).
Microchirus azevia: Chabanaud, 1938b: 320 | Lozano Rey, 1960: 541, fig. 167.
Zevaia azevia: Chabanaud, 1943b: 291.
Dicologoglossa azevia: Nielsen, 1963: 20.
Zevaia theophila: Blache et al., 1970: 436, fig. 1104.

Common names:

acevia [Spain]
bastard sole [UK and USA]
sole-perdrix juive [France and Belgium]