Bothus podas

Bothus podas Delaroche, 1809




Bothus podas podas Delaroche, 1809
Pleuronectes podas Delaroche, 1809b, Ann. Mus. Hist. nat., 13: 354 (Ibiça, Balearic Isl.).
Bothus rumulo Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a, Caratt. Gen. Spec. Sicil.: 23.
Pleuronectes mancus Risso, 1810, Ichth. Nice: 317 (Nice). Type: lost.
Rhombus rhomboides Bonaparte, 1832-1841, 1833, Icon. Fauna Italica, fasc. 4 (23) (Italy).
Rhombus podas: Bonaparte, 1832-1841, 1833: (24), fig.
Bothus podas: Bonaparte, 1846: 49 | Moreau, 1881-1891, 1881, 3: 346 | Kyle, 1913: 100, fig. | Norman, 1934: 223-225, fig. 169 (synonyms and references) | Bini, 1968, 8: 39-40, col. fig. | Ben-Tuvia, 1971b: 34.

Bothus podas maderensis Lowe, 1834
Rhombus maderensis Lowe, 1834, Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1: 143 (Madeira).
Bothus podas maderensis: Nielsen, 1961: 119-120.

Common names:

pedás [Spain]
rombo di rena [Italy]
rombou podas [France and Belgium]
solha [Portugal]
wide-eyed flounder [UK and USA]