Cubiceps gracilis

Cubiceps gracilis Lowe, 1843


Seriola (Cubiceps) gracilis Lowe, 1843, Proc. zool. Soc. London, 11: 82 (Madeira). Type: lost.
Navarchus sulcatus Filippi and Verany, 1859, Mem. R. Accad Sci. Torino, (2)18: 187 (Nizza). Holotype: MZUT no. 448.
Trachelocirrhus mediterraneus Doumet, 1863, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2)15: 220 (Sete). Holotype: MNHN no. 42-29.
Cubiceps gracilis: Collett, 1896b: 33 | Nobre, 1935: 332 | Fowler, 1936: 661, fig. 297 | Tortonese and Trotti, 1949: 89-90 | Lozano Rey, 1952: 663, pl. 51 (fig. 3) | Dieuzeide and Roland, 1955: 360-366, fig. 1418 | Tortonese, 1959: 59, fig. 1; 1967: 29, fig. 1 | Haedrich. 1967: 80, fig. 26 | Wheeler, 1969: 456 | Haedrich and Horn, 1969: 23.
Cubiceps lowei Osorio, 1909, Mem. Mus. Bocage, (1): 15 (Cape Verde Islands).
Cubiceps capensis (non Smith, 1849): Ariola, 1912: 185 | Tortonese, 1935: 248.
Psenes gracilis: F. de Buen, 1926: 66.
Aphareus obtusirostris Borodin, 1930b, Proc. New Eng. zool. Club, 11: 91 (Azores). Holotype: MCZ no. 32, 119.

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