Hyperoglyphe perciformis

Hyperoglyphe perciformis Mitchill, 1818


Coryphaena perciformis Mitchill, 1818, Amer. month. Mag., 2: 244 (New York Harbour).
Pimelepturus cornubiensis Cornish, 1874, The Zoologist, (2) 9: 4255 (Penzance).
Lirus perciformis: Holt and Byrne, 1903: 73, fig.
Mupus perciformis: Fowler, 1936: 670.
Palinurichthys perciformis: Bigelow and Schroeder, 1953: 369, fig. 195.
Hyperoglyphe perciformis: Haedrich, 1967: 58, fig. 8-9 | Wheeler, 1969: 458, fig. 148 | Haedrich and Horn, 1969: 26, fig. p. 8.

Common name:

barrelfish [UK and USA]