Tetrapturus georgei

Tetrapturus georgei Lowe, 1840


Tetrapturus georgii Lowe, 1840a, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 8: 36 (original description; type locality: Madeira).
Tetrapturus georgii: Lowe, 1840b, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 7: 93 (original description published simultaneously with Lowe, 1840a); 1849, 3: 3 (supplementary notes on original description).
Makaira georgii: Jordan and Evermann, 1926, 12: 55-56.
? Tetrapturus belone: Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 855, fig. 360 (Madeira; not belone Rafinesque but georgii Lowe, 1840a-b).

Common name:

peito [Portugal]
roundscale marlin [UK and USA]