Dentex gibbosus

Dentex (Cheimerius) gibbosus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810


Sparus gibbosus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810, Caratt. Gen. Spec. Sicilia: 47 (Sicily).
Dentex filosus Valenciennes, 1843, in Webb and Berthelot, Hist. nat. Canaries, 2: 37 (pl. 6, 1841: filamentosus) (Canary islands). Paratype: MNHN no. A 7749.
Dentex gibbosus: Bonaparte, 1846, 53 | Doderlein, 1889: 132 | Tortonese, 1963: 1, fig. | Soljan, 1963: 311, fig. 728 | Bini, 1968, 4: 103, fig.
Dentex filosus: Günther, 1859, 1: 371 | Doderlein, 1889: 135 | Nobre, 1935: 63 | Fowler, 1936: 815 | Lozano Rey, 1952: 135, fig. 9, pl. 8 (fig. 2) | Poll, 1954: 279, fig. 82 | Dieuzeide et al., 1955: 21, fig.

Common names:

denté bossu [France and Belgium]
pink dentex [UK and USA]
sama de plur [Spain]