Epinephelus caninus

Epinephelus caninus Valenciennes, 1843


Serranus caninus Valenciennes, 1843, in Webb and Berthelot, Hist. Nat. Canaries, 2: 10 (Canary islands). Type: apparently lost.
Cerna canina: Doderlein, 1879, 6: 36 (Sicily) | Soljan, 1963: 260, fig. 678.
Serranus caninus: Steindachner, 1883a: 65, pl. 2 (fig. 1).
Epinephelus caninus: Doderlein, 1889: 59 | Boulenger, 1895: 205 | Cadenat, 1935: 398, fig. 11 | Dieuzeide et al., 1954: 193, 2 fig. | Bini, 1968, 4: 73, fig. | Maurin, 1968: 70, fig. 37.

Common names:

cernia nera [Italy]
cernia bianca[Italy]
cherna [Spain]
dogtooth grouper [UK and USA]
mero denton [Spain]
mero [Portugal]
mérou noir [France and Belgium]
orfoz [Turkey]
rophos [Greece]
toothed grouper [UK and USA]