Mugil capurii

Mugil capurii Perugia, 1892


Myxus capurrii Perugia, 1892, Annali Mus. civ. Storia nat. Giacomo Doria, 32: 1007 (Senegal). Syntypes: MSNG no. CE 38908 and BMNH no. 1971.4.28.12-14.
Mugil monodi Chabanaud, 1926, Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 51: 8 (Port-Étienne). Five syntypes: MNHN no. 1926-1 to 4 and 1926-9.
Mugil monodi: Chabanaud and Monod, 1927: 258, fig. 17-19 | Cadenat, 1954: 585 | Furnestin et al., 1958: 483.
Mugil capurrii: Tortonese, 1963a: 334 (redescr. of types) | Trewavas and Ingham, 1972: 17, 19-20, fig. 2a.

Common name:

narrowhead grey mullet [UK and USA]