Liza ramada

Liza ramada Risso, 1826


Mugil ramada Risso, 1826, Hist. nat. Eur. mérid.: 390 (Nice). Type: destroyed (see Bertin, 1945).
Mugil cephalus var. A.: Risso, 1810, Ichth. Nice: 344.
Mugil capito Cuvier, 1829, Règne animal, ed. II, 2: 232. Lectotype: MNHN no. A 3587; 15 paralectotypes: MNHN no. A 3581-3, A 3585-6, A 3593, A 3748, A 3750, A 4695, A 4699, A 4701.
? Mugil britannicus Hancock, 1830, Q. Jl Lit. Sci. Arts London: 137 (London market). No type.
Mugil capito: Bonaparte, 1834: pl. 92 (fig. 1) | Yarrell, 1835: 200, 2 fig. | Valenciennes, 1836: 36, pl. 308 | Guichenot, 1850: 67 | Nilsson, 1855, 4: 176 | Günther, 1861b: 439 | Moreau, 1881, 3: 188 | Day, 1881: 230, pl. LXVI | Smitt, 1893: 339, fig. 90 | Carus, 1893: 706 | Tillier, 1902: 292 | Boulenger, 1907: 432, pl. LXXX (fig. 2), LXXXI (fig. 1); 1916: 83, fig. 49 | Athanassopoulos, 1919: 266-267, fig. 17-18 | Pellegrin, 1921:190, fig. 90 | Joubin and Le Danois, 1924: 49, fig. (from Day) | Popov, 1929: 246; 1930: 77, 119, fig. 4, table 2, pl. III (fig. 304) | Wimpenny, 1932b | Nobre, 1935: 325, pl. 44 (fig. 143) | Gahzzawi, 1935 | Bodenheimer, 1937: 262, 272 | Gruvel and Chabanaud, 1937: 13, fig. 17 | Faouzi, 1938: 63 | Nybelin, 1942: 199 | Rossignol, 1952: 89 | Perlmutter et al., 1957: 296, fig. 5A-F | Morovic, 1957: 2 (fig.), 5 (fig.), 17 | Duncker, ed. Ladiges, 1960: 288 | Muus and Dahlström, 1964 and 1965: 138, fig. | El-Zarka and Kamel, 1965: 209 | Ladiges and Vogt, 1965: 15, pl. 35 (fig. 145) | Tortonese, 1966: 98 | Bini, 1968, 4: 33-34, col. fig. | Zei and Abel, in Riedl, 1970: 618, pl. 228.
Mugil dubahra Valenciennes, 1836, in Cuv. and Val., Hist. nat. Poissons, 11: 60 (R. Nile). Five syntypes: MNHN no. A 3730, A 3731, A 3732.
? Mugil chelo (nec Cuvier): Nordmann, 1840: 396.
Mugil petherici Günther, 1861, Cat. Fish., 3: 441. Type: BMNH no. 1861.9.9.5, Nile (fig. in Boulenger, 1907, pl. LXXXI (fig. 1)).
Mugil octoradiatus (part., nec Günther, 1861a): Günther, 1861b: 437.
Mugil (Liza) capito: Jordan and Swain, 1884: 261.
Mugil ramada: Roule, 1925: 50, fig. 21-21A | Chevey, 1929: fig.; 1930, fig. | Lozano Rey, 1935: 245, pl. XIII (fig. 2) | Fowler, 1936: 390, 1273 (part.) | Arne, 1938: 98, fig. 16-22 | Poll, 1947: 322, fig. 209 | Lozano Rey, 1947: 720, 724, pl. 19 (fig. 2) | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 607 | Dantec, 1955: 109, pl. IV-VIII | Dollfus, 1955: 138 | Banarescu, 1964: 622 | Svetovidov, 1964: 214, fig. 61 | Blanc and Banarescu, 1968: 26.
Myxus maroccensis Mohr, 1927, Zool. Jb. (Syst.), 54: 191, fig. 13.
Mugu (Liza) ramada: Borcea, 1934: 260, fig. 5-8 | Soljan, 1948: 205-206 (fig.), 390.
Liza ramada: Buen, 1935: 95 | Dieuzeide et al., 1955: 238, fig. (on p. 239) | Thomson, 1964: 8, 26, 28; 1966: 302 | Wheeler, 1969: 464, fig. | Hickling, 1970: 609-611, 629-630 | Trewavas and Ingham, 1972: 17, fig. Ic | Tortonese, 1972a: 29-30.

Common names:

bicudo [Portugal]
bitoum [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco]
cefalo calamita [Italy]
dünnlippige Meeräsche [Germany]
golobach [Russia]
kifon matzui [Israel]
mavraki [Greece]
morragute [Spain]
mulet porc [France and Belgium]
mulett talimcarrat [Malta]
müsaro [France and Belgium]
platarin [Romania]
pulatarina [Turkey]
ramada [France and Belgium]
skocac (or cipal) balavac [former Yugoslavia]
tainha [Portugal]
thinlip grey mullet [UK and USA]
tobar [Egypt]
dunlipharder [Netherlands and Belgium]