Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1811)
Gobius melanostomus Pallas, 1811, Zoogr. rosso-asiat., 3: 151 (Sebastopol and Balaklava, USSR).
Gobius chilo Pallas, 1811, ibid.: 156 (Feodosia, USSR).
Gobius melanio Pallas, 1811, ibid.: 157 (shores of Crimea, USSR).
Gobius virescens Pallas, 1811, ibid.: 158 (Feodosia).
Gobius exanthematosus Pallas, 1811, ibid.: 160 (shores of Crimea).
Gobius affinis Eichwald, 1831, Zool. spec.: 75 (Balkhan Bay, Caspian Sea).
Gobius sulcatus Eichwald, 1831, ibid.: 75 (Balkhan Bay).
Gobius lugens Nordmann, 1840, Faun. Pont.: 414, pl. IX (fig. l) (Kodor R., Abkhazia, USSR).
Gobius grossholzii Steindachner, 1894, Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. math.-naturw. Cl., 103 (1): 447, pl. II (fig. 1) (Lake Kuçuk-Çekmece, Sea of Marmora, Turkey).
Gobius melanostomus affinis: Navozov, 1912: 281.
Gobius (Apollonia) melanostomus: Iljin, 1927c: 133, 140 | de Buen, 1930a: 140; 1931: 36, 52 | Borcea, 1934: 30, fig. 1423, pl. I (fig. 5-7), pl. II (fig. 8-11, 14) | Iljin, 1956: 190 | Banarescu, 1964: 832 | Svetovidov, 1964: 426, 435, fig. 154.
Neogobius melanostomus: Berg, 1949: 1083 | Georghiev, 1966: 207, fig. 43-44 Zambriborsch, 1968: 42.
Neogobius melanostomus affnis: Berg, 1949: 1085, fig. 816-817.
Gobius (Apollonia) melanostomus melanostomus: Banarescu, 1964: 832, fig. 368.
Gobius melanostomus: Pinchuk, 1965: 729; 1968a: 127.
Common names:
bychok-kruglyak [Russia]
guvid [Romania]
round goby [UK and USA]
stronghil [Romania]