Parablennius sanguinolentus

Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1811)


Blennius sanguinolentus Pallas, 1811, Zoographia rosso-asiatica, 3: 168-170, pl. XL. No type material.
Blennius palmicornis Cuvier, 1817, Règ. anim., 1st ed., 2: 250. Syntypes: MNHN no. A 1859-1865 and A 1780.
Blennius pholis (nec Linnaeus, 1758): Risso, 1826: 232-233 (Nice) | Guichenot, 1850: 70.
Blennius palmicornis: Valenciennes, in Cuv. and Val., 1836, 11: 214-218 | Moreau, 1881, 2: 114-115.
Blennius sanguinolentus: Nordmann, 1840: 402, pl. 6 (fig. 1) | Kessler, 1859: 224-226 | Günther, 1861, 3: 218-219 | Steindachner, 1868: 668-669 | Kessler, 1877: 226 | Vinciguerra, 1879-1880: 435-437 | Kolombatovic, 1882: 33 | Facciolà, 1883-1886, 6: 321-329 | Kolombatovic, 1891-1892 11-13 | Carus, 1893: 692-693 | Schmidt
and Popov, 1932, 3: 19 | Ancona, 1934: 334, 1 fig. | Slastenenko, 1934: 100 102, fig. 3; 1938, 25: 144-145 | Erazi, 1941, 6: 119 | Norman, 1943: 801 | Noronha and Sarmento, 1948: 96 | Soljan, 1948: 259-260, 3 fig. | Steinitz H., 1949: 182-189, fig. 7-9 | Carausu, 1952: 551-552, fig. 376 | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 802-803 | Dieuzeide et al., 1955, 3: 181-183, 1 fig. | Svetovidov, 1958: 591 | Lozano Rey, 1960: 166-170, fig. 72 | Tortonese, 1963: 178 | Banarescu, 1964: 774-777, fig. 339 | Svetovidov, 1964: 355-359, fig. 111 | Bini, 1968, 6: 127, 5 fig. (one in colour) | Charousset, 1968: 270-274,1 fig. | Zander, 1969: 59-63 | Ben-Tuvia, 1971, 20: 33 | Zander, 1972b: 210, fig. 13a-b.
Blennius palaestinensis W. Steinitz, 1927, Publ. Staz. zool. apoli, 8: 347-348, fig. 4.
Pictiblennius sanguinolentus: Bath, 1977: 204, 206, fig. 60.

Common names:

balavica [former Yugoslavia]
baveuse [France and Belgium]
bavosa sanguigna [Italy]
corosbina [Romania]
lagartina [Spain]