Halosauropsis macrochir

Halosauropsis macrochir (Günther, 1878)


Halosaurus macrochir Günther, 1878, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (5) 2: 250.
Halosaurus goodei Gill, 1881, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 6: 257.
Halosaurus macrochir: Günther, 1887: 237-239, pl. LIX (fig. A), pl. LX (fig. 1-8) | Agassiz, 1888: 32 | Vaillant, 1888: 170-174, pl. XVI (fig. 2+2a-e).
Halosaurus goodei (goodii): Vaillant, 1888: 169, 174.
Aldrovandia macrochira: Goode and Bean, 1896: 133.
alosauropsis macrochir: Collett, 1896: 146 152, pl. V (fig. 23-23b) | Joubin, 1905: 107, pl. lII (lower fig. after Collett) | Richard, 1910: 151 | Zugmayer, 1911: 12-13 | Murray and Hjort, 1912: 396, fig. 103b | Roule, 1919: 29, 130, 145 | Koefoed, 1927: 65-66, fig. 14 15, pl. IV (fig. 7) | Roule and Angel, 1933: 81 | Fowler, 1936: 253-254, fig. 119 (from Murray and Hjort) | Nybelin, 1948: 54-58 | Geistdoerfer et al., 1971b: 1183 | Harrisson, 1972: 555-556.
Halosaurus niger Gilchrist, 1906, Mar. Invest. South Afr., 4: 170, pl. LI. Holotype: SAM (cf. Thompson, 1916, Mar. Biol. Rep., 3: 84 and Gilchrist and von Bonde, 1924, Fish. Mar. Surv., Spec. Rep, 7: 10).
Aldrovandia macrochir: Barnard, 1925: 168, pl. VIII (fig. 4, from Gilchrist) | Marshall, 1962: 253-254 | Harrisson, 1966: 450-451, 457-458, 461, 463, 466, 468, 470, 475, 479-480, 483.

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