Odontomacrurus murrayi

Odontomacrurus murrayi Norman, 1939


Phalacromacrurus pantherinus Maul and Koefoed, 1950

Odontomacrurus murrayi Norman, 1939, Scient. Rep. John Murray Exped., 7 (1): 49, fig. 18. Type: BMNH no. 1939.5.24.685.
Phalacromacrurus pantherinus Maul and Koefoed, 1950, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12) 3: 972, fig. on p. 973.
Phalacromacrurus pantherinus: Maul, 1951: 36, fig. 8-9 | Koefoed: 1953: 7-8, fig. 3, pl. I (fig. A), pl. 3 (fig. A).
Odontomacrurus murrayi: Marshall, 1964: 88, fig. 1-2 | Iwamoto, 1970: 355-358, fig. 10.

Common name:

roundhead grenadier [UK and USA]