Hymenocephalus italicus

Hymenocephalus italicus Giglioli, 1884


Hymenocephalus italicus Giglioli, 1882, Nature, 27: 199 (nomen nudum) | Giglioli, 1884, in Giglioli and Issel, Pelagos, saggi sulla vita et sui prodotti del mare, Genova: 228 (no description but recognizable illustration).
Bathygadus cavernosus Goode and Bean, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 1886: 598.
Macrurus (Mystaconurus) italicus: Günther, 1887: 13.
Hymenocephalus italicus: Vaillant, 1888: 211-214, pl. 19 (fig.1-1d) | Lo Bianco, 1909: 720 | Roule, 1919: 86 | Issel, 1932: 15 | Vinciguerra, 1932: 1426, pl. 1 (fig. 1-8) | Sanzo, 1933: 263-264, pl. 16 (fig. 12) | Brunelli and Bini, 1934: 9, pl. fig. 9 | Nobre, 1935: 164 | Fowler, 1936: 460, fig. 224 (after Vaillant, 1888) | Trotti, 1936: 160-170, pl. 6-9 (light organs); 1947: 43-44 | Soljan, 1948: 176, fig. 363 | Tortonese and Trotti, 1949: 60 | Karlovac, 1953: 1 | Poll, 1953: 245-248, fig. 99 | Cadenat, 1961: 237 | Blache, 1962: 48, 90 | Sanches: 1966: 35.
Macrurus (Mystaconurus) heterolepis Alcock, 1889, A fm. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 4: 396.
Macrurus italicus: Collett, 1896: 85-88, pl. 2 (fig. 7).
Hymenocephalus cavernosus: Goode and Bean, 1896: 408, fig. 341.

Common name:

italian grenadier [UK and USA]