Cadomus dispar Vaillant, 1888
Hymenocephalus dispar Vaillant, 1888, Expéd. scient. 221, pl. 24 (fig. 1). Holotype: MNHN no. 86-551.
Gadomus dispar: Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916: 142 (listed).
Common name:
longbeard grenadier [UK and USA]
Cadomus dispar Vaillant, 1888
Hymenocephalus dispar Vaillant, 1888, Expéd. scient. 221, pl. 24 (fig. 1). Holotype: MNHN no. 86-551.
Gadomus dispar: Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916: 142 (listed).
Common name:
longbeard grenadier [UK and USA]