Trisopterus esmarki

Trisopterus esmarki (Nilsson, 1855)


Gadus Esmarkii Nilsson, 1855, Scand. fauna, 4: 565 (after Esmark, 1844; Christianiafjord).
Gadus esmarkii: Smitt, 1893, 1: 508, fig. 122, pl. XXVIIIA (col. fig. I) | Sund, in Andersson et al., 1942, 1:184, pl. 52 (col.).
Trisopterus esmarkii: Svetovidov, 1948: 143, fig. 22, pl. Vll (fig. 2), pl. XLV, pl. LXX (fig. 3) | Raitt, 1968a (33): 1, fig. 1-2 | Wheeler, 1969: 270, fig.
Trisopterus esmarki: Andriashev, 1954: 156, fig. 77.

Common names:

norway pout [UK and USA]
ögerpål [Norway]
spaerling [Denmark]
Stintdorsch [Germany]
tacaud norvégien [France and Belgium]
kever [Netherlands and Belgium]