Remorina albescens

Remorina albescens Temminck and Schlegel, 1845


Echeneis albescens Temminck and Schlegel, 1845, Pisces, in Fauna Japonica: 272, pl. 120 (fig. 3) (Nagasaki, Japan).
Echeneis clypeata Günther, 1860, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (3) 5: 401 (Cape Seas).
Remora albescens: Jordan, 1885: 66.
Remorina albescens: Jordan and Evermann, 1896: 490 | Maul, 1956: 66, fig. 5B.
Remora clypeata: Taning, 1927: 224, fig. 1.
Echeneis albescens: Nobre, 1935: 159 | Beaufort, 1962, 11: 441.
Echeneis clyptera Okada and Matsubara, 1938, Keys to Fishes of Japan: 376.

Common names:

mantasucker [UK and USA]
white suckerfish [UK and USA]