Diplophos taenia

Diplophos taenia Günther, 1873


Diplophos taenia Günther, 1873, J. Mus. Godeffroy, 1(2): 173 (Madeira). Holotype: BMNH no. ?.4.3.199.
Diplophos taenia: Lütken, 1892b: 278, 296, pl. 2 (fig. 1-3) | Goode and Bean, 1896: 104 | Brauer, 1906: 89, fig. 36 | Jespersen and Tåning, 1919: 224, pl. 17 (fig. 14) | Norman, 1930: 295 | Jespersen, 1934, fiche 75 (fig. 1-2) | Fowler, 1936: 236 | Grey, 1960b: 78; 1964: 89, fig. 21.

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