Neonesthes capensis

Neonesthes capensis (Gilchrist and von Bonde, 1924)


Astronesthes capensis Gilchrist and von Bonde, 1924, Rep. Fish. Mar. Biol. Surv. 5. Afri., 3 (7): 5 (off South Africa). Holotype: SAM no. 2435.
Neonesthes capensis: Barnard, 1925: 134 | Gibbs, 1964: 346-349, fig. 91 | Geistdoerfer et al., 1971b: 1 1 80.
Neonesthes macrolychnus Regan and Trewavas, 1929a, Danish Dana Exped. 1920 1922, (5): 30, pl. Vl (fig. 2) (North Atlantic). Syntypes in BMNH, ZMUC.
Neonesthes macrolychnus: Norman, 1930: 308 | Koefoed, 1956: 7.
Neonesthes nicholsi Beebe, 1933, Copeia, 1933: 160 (off Bermuda). Holotype: USNM no. 170925.
Neonesthes gnathoprora Cohen, 1956, Zoologica, N.Y., 41(2): 81 (off Bermuda). Holotype: CAS(SU) no. 46381.
Neonesthes nicholsi: Koefoed, 1956: 8, pl. lA | Mead, 1958: 134.
Neonesthes gnathoprora: Mead, 1958: 134.

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