Bathylaco nigricans

Bathylaco nigricans Goode and Bean, 1896


Bathylaco nigricans Goode and Bean, 1896, Oceanic Ichthyology: 57, fig. 69 (between St. Croix and St. Thomas, Virgin Isls.). Holotype MCZ 28061.
Macromastax gymnos Beebe, 1933, Zoologica, N.Y., 13 (8): 162-163, fig. 40 (eight miles south of Nonsuch Isl., 1000 fathoms). Holotype USNM 170960 (Synonymy doubtful).
Bathylaco nigricans: Nielsen and Larsen, 1968: 222-231, pl. 15; 1970: 30-35, fig. 1A, 24 | Nielsen, 1972a: 34-35, fig. 5 | Markle, 1976 :123, fig. 38 B.

Common names:

black warrior [UK and USA]