Platybelone argalus

Platybelone argalus (Le Sueur, 1821)


Belone argalus Lesueur, 1821, J. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 2 (1): 125 (West Indies, near Guadaloupe). Plafybelone argalus: Collette and Parin, 1970: 27-30 (subspecies recognized).
Belone platyura Bennett, 1832
Belone trachura Valenciennes, 1846
Belone lovii Günther, 1866.


Platybelone argalus subspec.
Platybelone argalus ssp. Collette and Parin, 1970, Atlantide Rep., 11: 3437 (Azores). Belone trachura (non Valenciennes): Fowler, 1919a: 196, fig. 1.
Belone argalus (non Lesueur): Fowler, 1936: 441-442 (partim).

Common names:

agujon de quilla [Spain]
keeltail needlefish [UK and USA]
orphie carene [France and Belgium]