Hyporhamphus picarti

Hyporhamphus picarti (Valenciennes, 1846)


Hemiramphus Picarti Valenciennes, 1846, in Cuv. Val., Hist. nat. Pois., 19: 25 (Bône, Algeria). Lectotype: MNHN no. B 1069; paralectotypes: MNHN, same no., by subs. design. of Collette, 1965: 230.
Hemiramphus Schlegeli Bleeker, 1863, Natuurk. Yerh. holland. Maatsch. Wet., 2 (18): 120, pl. 25 (fig. 1) (Ghana).
Hemirhamphus calabaricus Günther, 1866, Cat Fish., 6: 266 (Old Calabar, Nigeria). Lectotype: BMNH no. 1861.12.29.6; paralectotypes: BMNH no. 1865., by subs. desiFn. of Collette, 1965: 230.
Hyporhamphus unifasciatus (non Ranzani): Fowler, 1936: 433-434 (partim) | Lozano and Rey, 1947: 609-613, pl. 12 (fig. 3) | Poll, 1953: 175-176, fig. 72.
Hyporhamphus picarti: Tortonese, 1952: 46; 1958: 320 | Collette, 1965: 228-234, fig. 7.
Hemiramphus gamberur (non Lacepède): Ben-Tuvia, 1953: 11.
Hyporhamphus xanthopterus (non Valenciennes): Fowler and Steinitz, 1956: 271.

Common names:

abu-minkar [Egypt]
agujeta [Spain]
demi-bec [France and Belgium]
Halbschnäbler [Germany]
halfbeak [UK and USA]
mezzobecco [Italy]
poluryl [Russia]
saltón [Spain]