Hydrolagus mirabilis

Hydrolagus mirabilis (Collett, 1904)


Chimaera (Bathyalopex) mirabilis Collett, 1904, Forh. VidenskSelsk. Krist., (9): 5-6 (150 km NW of the Hebrides, 1100 m depth). Holotype: ZMO no. J 133; 3 paralectotypes: ZMO no. J 131-132; UBNM no 1818.
Chimaera (Bathyalopex) mirabilis: Collett, 1905: 35 40, pl. I (fig. 4).
Chimaera mirabilis: Holt and Byrne, 1910: 5, 11-17, fig. 2a, pl. II | Koefoed, 1927: 29, pl. I (fig. 3).
Hydrolagus mirabilis: Bigelow and Schroeder, 1953: 534, 536 | Krefft, 1966: 176; 1967: 184.
Common names:

Large-eyed rabbitfish [UK and USA]
Chimere a gros yeux [France and Belgium]
Quimera ojon [Spain]