Torpedo nobiliana

Torpedo (Tetronarce) nobiliana Bonaparte, 1835


Torpedo (Tetronarce) nobiliana Bonaparte, 1835.
Torpedo nobiliana Bonaparte, 1835, Iconogr. Faun. ital.: fasc. XII, pta. 63, 2 p., 1 pl., 3 fig. (coast of Italy). Twenty-three syntypes: ANSP no. 426-439, 461-469.
Torpedo walshii Thompson, 1840, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 5: 292-295 (waters of Great Britain). No type material.
Torpedo hebetans Lowe, 1841, Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 2 (3): 195 (Madeira). One syntype: BMNH no. 1852.8.30.22.
Torpedo emarginata McCoy, 1841, Ann. Map. nat. Hist., 6:407-408, fig. (Dublin Bay). No type material.
Torpedo nobiliana: Müller and Henle, 1841:128-129 | Duméril, 1865: 512 | Moreau, 1881: 386-387 | Day, 1884: 331-332, pl. CLXIV | Doderlein, 1884: 146-147 | Lozano Rey, 1928: 523-527, fig. 168-169 | Ehrenbaum, 1936: 318, fig. 270 | Poll, 1947: 79-80, fig. 50; 1951: 79-83, fig. 50 | Bigelow and Schroeder, 1953: 96-107, fig. 22-23 (almost complete synonymy) | Dieuzeide et al., 1953: 69-70, fig. | Albuguerque, 1954-1956: 186-187, fig. 110 | Tortonese, 1956: 220-222, fig. 12 | Soljan, 1963: 80-81, fig. | Wheeler and Du Heaume, 1964: 391-392, fig. 1, 3A | Rae and Pirie, 1969: 257 | Wheeler, 1969: 80-81, fig.
Torpedo occidentalis Storer, 1843, Am. J. Sci., 45: 165-170, pl. III (fig. 1-2) (coast of Massachusetts). No type material.
Torpedo nigra Guichenot, 1850, Explor. Alger., Zool., 5: 131, pl. VIII (off Alger). Holotype: MNHN no. 1309.
Tetronarce occidentalis: Gill, 1862c: 387.
Torpedo hebetans: Günther, 1870: 449.
Narcacion nobilianus: Garman, 1913: 310, pl. XXV (fig. 2), pl. LXI (fig. 45).
Tetranarce nobiliana: De Buen, 1935: 41.
Torpedo (Tetronarce) nobiliana: Fowler, 1936: 121-122, fig. 50.

Common names:

electric ray [UK and USA]
torpille noire [France and Belgium]
torpedine nera [Italy]
Tremolina negra [Spain]
sidderrog [Netherlands and Belgium]