Raja montagui

Raja (Raja) montagui Fowler, 1910


Raja (Raja) montagui Fowler, 1910
Raja montagui Fowler, 1910, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 62: 468 (South Coast of Devonshire). No type material.
Raja maculata Montagu, 1818, Mem. Wern. nat. Hist. Soc., Edinb., 2 (28): 426-430 (South Coast of Devonshire). No type material.
Raja asterias (non Delaroche): Müller and Henle, 1841: 139-140, pl. 47 (fig. 2) | Nobre, 1935: 479-480, fig. 208.
Raja maculata: Günther, 1870: 458 | Canestrini, 1872: 55 | Day, 1884: 345-346, pl. 172 | Holt and Calderwood, 1895: 403-404, pl. 44 II | Pietschmann, 1906: 95-96 | Lo Bianco, 1909: 678 | Clark, 1922: 601-606 | Ehrenbaum, 1927: 31-32, fig. 23A.
Raja punctata (non Risso): Le Danois, 1913: 32, fig. 30, 40.
Betaraia maculata: Leigh-Sharpe, 1924: 569.
Raja montagui: Clark, 1926:11-13, fig. 5-6, pl. 3 | Lozano Rey, 1928: 581-587, fig. 176 | Ehrenbaum, 1936: 300-301, pl. 24 | Poll, 1947: 93-95, fig. 58, 62 | Dieuzeide et al., 1953: 93-94, fig. | Roland, 1953: 217-229, fig. 20-21 | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 154-156, fig. 93-94 | Tortonese, 1956: 236-237, fig. 130 | Soljan, 1963: 96, fig. | Wheeler, 1969: 99-100, fig. | Stehmann, 1970: 149, etc., pl. 2, 10, 20 | Capapé, 1975: 113, fig. 3.

Common names:

gefleckte Roche [Germany]
spotted ray [UK and USA]
raie douce [France and Belgium]
razza maculata [Italy]
raia manchata [Portugal]
Raya pintada [Spain]
gevlekte rog [Netherlands and Belgium]