Raja microocellata

Raja (Raja) microocellata Montagu, 1818


Raja (Raja) microocellata Montagu, 1818
Raja microocellata Montagu, 1818, Mem. Wern. nat. Hist. Soc., Edinb., 2 (28): 430-432 (South coast of Devonshire). No type material.
Raja microocellata: Müller and Henle, 1841: 142-143 | Duméril, 1865: 538-539 | Moreau, 1881: 417-420 | Day, 1884: 346-347, pl. 172A | Holt and Calderwood, 1895: 392-394, pl. 44 IV | Pietschmann, 1906: 90-94, pl. 5 | Le Danois, 1913: 31, fig. 29, 38 | Jenkins, 1925: 337-338, pl. 137 | Clark, 1926: 22-24, pl. 5, fig. 17 | Lozano Rey, 1928: 553-557, fig. 174 | Ehrenbaum, 1936: 305-306 | Fowler, 1936: 109-110 | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 159-160 | Wheeler, 1969: 102, fig. | Stehmann, 1970: 106, 149.
Betaraia microcellata: Leigh-Sharpe, 1924: 569.

Common names:

Small-eyed ray [UK and USA]
Raie melee [France and Belgium]
Raya colorada [Spain]
kleinoogrog [Netherlands and Belgium]