Centrophorus granulosus

Centrophorus granulosus (Schneider, 1801)


Centrophorus granulosus (Schneider, 1801)
Squalus granulosus Schneider, 1801, in Bloch and Schneider, Syst. ichthyol.: 135-136 (no type locality given). Holotype lost.
Acantllorhinus granulosus: Blainville, 1816: 121.
Spinax ugatus (non Rafinesque): Bonaparte, 1834: fasc. IX, pta. 49, 3 p., fig. 2.
Centrophorus granulosus: Müller and Henle, 1837a: 398; 1837b: 115; 1841: 89-90, pl. 33 1 Bocage and Capello, 1864: 260 | Duméril, 1865: 447, pl. V (fig. 16-18) | Bocage and Capello, 1866: 25-26, pl. III (fig. l) | Günther, 1870: 420-421 | Moreau, 1881: 352-355, fig. 60 | Goode and Bean, 1896: 12. Dh III (fig.. 11) | Griffini. 1903: 107-108, fig. 56 | Roule, 1912: 12-13 | Garman, 1913: 201 | Boutan, 1926: 1-146, fig. 4, 6-8, 11-30, 35-37 | Lozano Rey, 1928: 436-440, fig. 143, pl. 111 (fig. 2) | Nobre, 1935: 448-449, pl. LXI (fig. 194) | Fowler, 1936: 73 | Dieuzeide et al., 1953: 51-52, fig. | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 120-121, part. (?) | Tortonese, 1956: 176-178, fig. 94-95 | Bigelow and Schroeder, 1957: 73-76, 84, fig. 8F, 9A | Cadenat, 1959c: 735-742; 1959d: 743-747, fig. 1 (bottom); 1959e: 748-76, pl. I (fig. 2, 4), pl. III (fig. 11-14), pl. V (fig. 25) | Soljan, 1963: 66, fig. | Bini, 1967: 9496, fig. | Maurin, 1968: 20, part. | Maurin and Bonnet, 1970: 23, part. | Blache et al., 1970: 36, fig. 72a, b | Ledoux, 1970: 324-332, fig. 6 9.
? Centrophorus bragancae Regan, 1906, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7)18: 438-440 (off Cecimbra, Portugal, 505-842 m). Two syntypes BMNH no. 1904.11.30.11-12.

Common names:

Gulper shark [UK and USA]
Squale-chagrin commun [France and Belgium]
Quelvacho [Spain]