Odontaspis ferox

Odontaspis ferox (Risso, 1810)


Odontaspis ferox (Risso, 1810)
Squalus ferox Risso, 1810, Ichthyologie de Nice: 38, pl . G (fig. 1) (off Nice, France). Type unknown.
Carcharias ferox: Risso, 1826: 119-122 | Maul, 1955: 1-3, fig. 5-8 | Lozano Rey, 1928: 402 405, fig. 128A and 133 | Tortonese, 1956: 103-104, fig. 52.
Odontaspis ferox: Bonaparte, 1839: tav. 134, fig. 2 | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 81-82, fig. 45A and 46A | Moreau, 1881: 293-295, fig. 39 | Müller and Henle, 1841: 74 | Soljan, 1948 (Eng. trans. 1963: 59) | Quéro, 1972 :195 | Capapé, 1975 :108, fig. 1.
Odontaspis herbsti Whitley, 1950

Common names:

Smalltooth sand tiger [UK and USA]
fierce shark [UK and USA]
Requin feroce [France and Belgium]
odontaspide féroce [France and Belgium]
Stierhai [Germany]
Solrayo [Spain]
sobrayo [Spain]
kars [Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco]
skylopsaro [Greece]
morski pas [former Yugoslavia]
cagnaccio [Italy]