Isurus oxyrinchus

Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810


Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810
Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810, Caratt. Gen. Spec. Sicil.: 12, pl. 13 (Sicily).
Type: unknown.
Oxyrhina spallanzani Bonaparte, 1839, Iconog. Fauna Ital., fasc. 26.
Oxyrhina gomphodon: Müller and Henle, 1841: 68, pl.
Lamna spallanzanii: Günther, 1870: 380 (Madeira).
Oxyrhina spallanzani: Moreau, 1881: 298 (France) | Belloc, 1934: 137 (Morocco, Senegal).
Isurus oxyrhinchus: Braganca, 1904: 52 (Portugal) | Collett, l905a: 76 (Norway)
Lozano Rey, 1928: 376 (Spain) | Tortonese, 1956: 106, fig. 52 (Mediterranean) | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 87 (Portugal, Madeira, Azores) | Bini, 1967: 43 (distribution in Mediterranean and adjacent Atlantic).
Isurus oxyrinchus: Tortonese, 1938: 290 (Mediterranean) | Bigelow and Schroeder, 1948b: 131-133 (synonymy) Garrick and Schultz, 1963: 17 | Garrick, 1967: 674 (in revision of genus) | Parin, 1968: 50 (general habitat and distribution) | Wheeler, 1969: 52 (British Isles).
Isurus oxyrhynchus: Dollfus, 1955: 17, 81.

Common names:

Shortfin mako [UK and USA]
mackerel shark [UK and USA]
Requin-taupe bleu [France and Belgium]
oxyrhine [France and Belgium]
Marrajo dientuso [Spain]
marrajo [Spain]
kucina [former Yugoslavia]
mako [Italy]
makrellhai [Norway]
anequim [Portugal]
dikburun [Turkey]