Linophryne brevibarbata

Author: Beebe, 1932

Linophryne brevibarbata Beebe, 1932

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Linophryne brevibarbata Beebe, 1932 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: females with illicial length 17-22% SL; esca with a single distal appendage less than 10% SL, with short side-branches, no lateral filaments on bulb, a small appendage behind escal pore; barbel 85-115% SL, divided nearly at base into 3 unpaired main branches, the antenor with a proximal pair of side-branches, the intermediary bifurcated, and the posterior simple; each main branch with a single series of simple side-branches; all branches with one or few photophores embedded in tip; no filaments on barbel. Parasitic males without sphenotic spines.

Habitat, Food, Reproduction: see suborder.

Distribution: in the Atlantic north of 30° N, from Bermuda to Madeira and north of the Azores.
Eggs, larvae and young stages. Bertelsen, 1951:179-183, table 42, fig. 117 (larval females and one larval male) | Maul, 1961:140 142, fig. 27A (larval females, 'Haplophryne arborifera').
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.