icèle spatulée
wostochny dvurogy icel
spatulate sculpin
Alternative name
twohorned sculpin
Valid name
Icelus spatula
Synonym | twohorned sculpin [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | icèle spatulée [France and Belgium] |
Synonym | spatulate sculpin [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Icelus spatula Gilbert and Burke, 1912 |
Synonym | Icelus hamatus (nec Kröyer): Bean, 1882, 4: 264 (Providence Bay). |
Synonym | Icelus bicornis beringianus Schmidt, 1937, Bull. zool. Mus. Ac. Sci. USSR, 28 (1): 7 (Bering Strait, Providence Bay). |
Synonym | Icelus bicornis (nec Reinhardt): Gilbert, 1895, Rep. U.S. Fish. Commr:411, 475 (Bristol Bay). |
Synonym | Icelus spatula Gilbert and Burke, 1912, Fish. Bering Sea and Kamch.: 41-42, fig. 3-3a (Avatcha Bay). |
Synonym | Icelus spatula spatula Andriashev, 1937, Zool. Jahrb., 69 (4): 272, pl. 6 (fig. 6). |
Synonym | Icelus karaensis Soldatov, 1923, Bericht Wissensch. Meeresinst., 3 (62A): 31-34, fig. 1 (Kara Sea). Holotype: ZIN no. 220 |
Synonym | Icelus spatula: Andriashev, 1939: 64, 119, fig. 15 | McAllister, 1963b: 53-55, fig. 1. |