name | mendo limon |
name | lomre |
name | bergskädda |
name | rødtunge |
name | lemon sole |
name | echte Rotzunge |
name | rodovalho |
name | limande-sole |
name | tongschar |
name | malorotaja kambala |
Alternative name | bergtunga |
Alternative name | Rotzunge |
Valid name | Microstomus kitt |
Synonym | lemon sole [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Common synomyms: |
Synonym | limande-sole [France and Belgium] |
Synonym | tongschar [Netherlands and Belgium] |
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | Microstomus kitt Walbaum, 1792 |
Synonym | Pleuronectes kitt Walbaum, 1792, Artedi Piscium: 120 (British waters). |
Synonym | Pleuronectes microcephalus Donovan, 1803, Nat. Hist. Brit. Fish., 2: 42. |
Synonym | Pleuronectes laevis Shaw, 1803, Gen. Zool., 4: 299. |
Synonym | Platessa pola Cuvier, 1829, Règne animal, ed. II, 2: 339. |
Synonym | Microstomus latidens Gottsche, 1835, Arch. Naturg., 2: 150 (Denmark). |
Synonym | Pleuronectes gilli Steindachner, 1868, Sitzber. Akad. Wiss., Wien., 57: 40 (Iceland). |
Synonym | Microstomus kitt: Joensen and Tåning, 1970: 191-193. |
- Microstomus kitt [species]