Centrolophus niger


name zwarte vis
name blackfish
name centrolophe noir
name romerillo
Valid name Centrolophus niger
Synonymzwarte vis [Netherlands and Belgium]
SynonymCommon names:
Synonymblackfish [UK and USA]
Synonymcentrolophe noir [France and Belgium]
SynonymCentrolophus niger Gmelin, 1788
SynonymCentrolophodes irwini Gilchrist and von Bonde, 1923, Rep. Fish. Mar. Biol. Survey, Capetown, Spec. Rep. no. 4: 2 (
SynonymPerca nigra Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., ed. XIII: 132 ('Rivers of Cornwall').
SynonymGymnocephalus messinensis Cocco, 1838a, Nuovi Ann. Sci. nat., Bologna, 2: 26( Messina).
SynonymCentrolophus liparis: Moreau, 1881: 501.
SynonymCentrolophus maoricus Ogilby, 1893, Rec. Aust. Mus., Sydney, 2: 64 (New Zealand).
SynonymCentrolophus liparis Risso, 1826, Hist. nat. Eur. méridionale, 3: 337 (Nice).
SynonymAcentrolophus maculosus Nardo, 1827a, Giorn. Fis. Chim. Stor. nat. Pavia, 10: 28 (Adriatic).
SynonymMupus bifasciatus Smith, 1961a, S. Afr. J. Sci., 57: 158 (South Africa).
SynonymCentrolophus pompilus Cuvier, in Cuv. Val., 1833, Hist. nat. Poiss., 9: 334-342 (Marseille).
SynonymCentrolophus morio Cuvier, in Cuv. Val., 1833, Hist. nat. Poiss., 9: 342-344 (Mediterranean). Holotype: MNHN no. A
SynonymCentrolophus niger: Lacepède, 1803: 441 | Haedrich and Horn, 1969: 17, fig. p. 7.
SynonymCentrolophus valenciennesi Moreau, 1881, Hist. nat. Poiss. France, 2: 496, fig. 138 (Marseilles). Holotype: MNHN no. 5128
SynonymSchedophilus elongatus Johnson, 1862a, Proc. zool. Soc. London: 175 (Madeira). Holotype: BMNH no. 1862.6.14.16.
SynonymCentrolophus pompilus: Couch, 1869: 123, pl. 90 I Day, 1880: 111, pl. 40 (fig. 2) | Moreau, 1881: 492, fig. 137 | Soljan,
