Pholis gunnellus


name skerjasteinbitur
name teistikala
name tangsprel
name gunnel
name tejstefisk
name tangsprael
name gonnelle
name botervis
name masljuk
Alternative name butterfish
Alternative name sprettfiskur
Alternative name nine-eyes
Valid name Pholis gunnellus
Synonymgonnelle [France and Belgium]
Synonymbutterfish [UK and USA]
Synonymnine-eyes [UK and USA]
SynonymCommon names:
Synonymgunnel [UK and USA]
Synonymbotervis [Netherlands and Belgium]
SynonymPholis gunnellus (Linnaeus, 1758)
SynonymGunellus affinis Reinhardt, 1837, K. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Nat.-Math. Afhandl., 6: cx (nomen nudum).
SynonymBlennius gunnellus: Faber, 1829: 76.
SynonymMuraenoides macrocephalus: Gill, 1861: 45.
SynonymMuraenoides ingens: Gill, 1861: 45.
SynonymMuraenoides mucronatus: Gill, 1861: 45.
SynonymMuraenoides affinis: Gill, 1861: 45.
SynonymCentronotus gunnellus: Saemundsson, 1949: 34.
SynonymBlennius Gunnellus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. X: 257 ('Habitat in Oceano Atlantico'); after 'Blennius pinna dorsali
SynonymBlennius europaeus Olafsen, 1772, Reise igiennem Island, 1: 81 (Iceland).
SynonymGunnellus vulgaris Fleming, 1828, Hist. Brit. Anim.: 207 (England).
SynonymOphidion imberbe Artedi, 1738 (gen. 24; syn. 42). No type material.
SynonymMuraenoides sujef Lacepède, 1800, Hist. nat. Poiss., 2: 324 (new name for Blennius muraenoides Sujef).
SynonymGunnellus macrocephalus Girard, in Storer, 1850, Boston J. nat. Hist., 6: 263 (Chelsea Beach, Mass.).
SynonymGunnellus Cornubiensium Seba, 1758, Thesaurus, 3: 91, pl. 30 (fig. 6).
SynonymOphidium imberbe (partim): Retzius, 1800: 299, 316.
SynonymOphidium mucronatum Mitchill, 1815, Trans. Iit. philos. Soc. New York, 2: 361, pl. 1 (fig. 1) (New York).
SynonymGunellus affinis: Reinhardt, 1838, K. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Nat.-Math. Afhandl., 7: 114, 123 (Julianehaab, S.-W. Greenla
SynonymGunnellus ingens Storer, 1850, Boston J. nat. Hist., 6: 261-263, pl. 8 (fig. 1) (Labrador).
SynonymGunnellus macrocephalus: Storer, 1855: 261-262, pl. 17 (fig. 3).
SynonymMuraenoides guttata: Yarrell, 1836 (Ist ed.), 1: 269, fig. | Storer, 1837: 418; 1839a: 372-373;1839b: 65-66;1846: 374 | Y
SynonymGunnellus mucronatus: Valenciennes, in Cuv. Val., 1836, 11: 427-428 | Storer, 1846: 374; 1850: 261; 1855: 260-261, pl. 17
SynonymBlennius Muraenoides Sujef, 1783, Acta Acad. Petrop., 1779 (1783), 2: 195-197, pl. 4 (fig. I) (type-locality not indicate
SynonymOphidium imberbe: Montagu, 1811: 95 | Jenyns, 1835: 48 | Yarrell, 1841 (2nd ed.), 2: 412.
SynonymGunnellus vulgaris: Valenciennes, in Cuv. Val., 1836, 11: 419-425 | Kröyer, 1838, 1: 341, 600 | Bonaparte, 1846, 2: 153 |
SynonymPholis gunnellus: Gronovius, ed. Makushok, 1958: 62,122-123, fig. 1 (above), 5-6,12,14, 20, 3, 25B, 29, 76.
