Valid name
Melanostomias bartonbeani
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | Melanostomias bartonbeani Parr, 1927 |
Synonym | Melanostomias bulbosus Beebe, 1933, Copeia: 166 (Bermuda). |
Synonym | Melanostomias bartonbeani Parr, 1927, Bull. Bingham océanogr. Coll., 3 (2): 45 (44°10' N., 52° 35" W., 150 fms). Holotype |
Synonym | Melanostomias spilorhynchus Regan and Trewavas, 1930, Danish Dana Exped. 1920-1922, (6):112, pl. 10, fig. 1 (Atlantic). S |
Synonym | Melanostomias spilorhynchus: Beebe, 1937: 200 | Beebe and Crane, 1939: 143 | Bertin, 1939: 381 | Gibbs, 1964: 363-364, fi |