Valid name
Malacosteus niger
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | Malacosteus niger Ayres, 1848 |
Synonym | Malacosteus niger Ayres, 1848, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 3: 69-70 ('South of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland in 42° N |
Synonym | Malacosteus choristodactylus Vaillant, 1888, Expéd. Sci. 'Travailleur' 'Talisman', Poiss.: 108-109, pl. 8 (fig. 4) (Moroc |
Synonym | Malacosteus niger: Günther, 1864: 428 | Jordan and Gilbert, 1882: 287 | Krefft, 1966: 177; 1967: 185. |
Synonym | Malacosteus choristodactylus: Goode and Bean, 1896: 114, pl. XXXVIII (fig. 139) | Bertin, 1940: 310-311. |