palebelly searsid
Valid name
Barbantus curvifrons
Synonym | palebelly searsid [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | Barbantus curvifrons Roule and Angel, 1931 |
Synonym | (Golfe de Gascogne, 0 4500 m). Holotype: MOM. |
Synonym | fig. 5 | Krefft, 1970a: |
Synonym | Bathytroctes curvifrons Roule and Angel, 1931, Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, (581): 6 |
Synonym | Barbantus curvifrons: Maul, 1957: 18-20, |
Synonym | 7476, pl. III (fig. 3) | Belloc, 1949: 5. |
Synonym | Bathytroctes curvifrons: Roule and Angel, 1933: 6-7, pl. I (fig. 2) | Lozano Rey, 1947: |
Synonym | 25-26, fig. 5 | Quero, 1970a: 273-274, fig. 13 | Kotthaus, 1972a: 6. |