Clupea harengus


name sild
name hareng commun
name haring
name arenque
name sill
name atlantic herring
name Hering
name belomorskaya sel'd
name sled
name silakka
Alternative name chyoshsko-pechorskaya sel'd
Alternative name strömming
Alternative name sel'd
Alternative name salaka
Alternative name herring
Alternative name seld
Alternative name silli
Alternative name hareng
Valid name Clupea harengus
Synonymharing [Netherlands and Belgium]
Synonymatlantic herring [UK and USA]
Synonymhareng [France and Belgium]
Synonymhareng commun [France and Belgium]
Synonymherring [UK and USA]
SynonymCommon names:
SynonymClupea Harengus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X: 317.
SynonymClupea harengus harengus Linnaeus, 1758
SynonymClupea harengus Linnaeus, 1758
SynonymClupea harengus membras Linnaeus, 1761
SynonymCyprinus esca Pennant, 1769).
Synonym? Clupea lineolata Valenciennes, 1847).
SynonymClupea harengus var. membras: Heincke, 1898, LXIV, pl. I (fig. l) (col.).
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi maris-albi Heincke, 1898).
SynonymClupea harengus marisalbi Berg, 1923
SynonymClupea harengus suworowi Rabinerson, 1927
SynonymClupea harengus harengus n. murmanica Tikhonov, 1941, Trans. Knipovitch Polar Scient. Inst. Sea-Fischer. Oceano
SynonymClupea harengus Heincke, 1898, Naturgesch. Herings: LXV, tabl. LXVI-LXIX, pl. VII (fig. 1), pl. XIV (fig. 1), pl. XVI (fi
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi maris-albi var. alpha Rabinerson, 1925, ibid.: 80 (Kandalaksha and Onega Bays, small herri
SynonymClupea harengus beta membras Linnaeus, 1761, Fauna Svecica, ed. II: 128 ('beta stromming vero minor ex mari Bothnico').
SynonymClupea membras: Pallas, 1811: 211 (partly).
SynonymClupea harengus borealis Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Frühjahrshering von Island).
SynonymClupea harengus septemtrionalis Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Färöer-Hering).
SynonymClupea harengus norvegicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Norwegischer Hering Form B).
SynonymClupea harengus islandicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Sommerhering von Island).
SynonymClupea harengus scandicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Norwegischer Hering Form A).
SynonymClupea harengus membras: G. Berg, 1932, 1: 95.
SynonymClupea pallasi probatowi Makushok, 1935, Za rîbn. industr. Severa, 1: 23 (Yugorskyi Shar Strait, Karskyi Bay).
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi maris-albi var. alpha Rabinerson, 1925, Trudy Inst. Izuch. Sev., 25: 80 (Kandalaksha Bay,
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi n. suworowi: Svetovidov, 1952: 163, pl. IV (fig. 2).
SynonymClupea harengus Linnaeus, 1758 s.l., Syst. Nat., ed. X: 317 ('Habitat in M. Europareis')(Int, Zool. Nomencl. Direction 57
SynonymClupea harengus harengus: Andriashev, 1954: 74, fig. 39/1.
SynonymRogenia alba Valenciennes, 1847, ibid.: 341, pl. 508 ('embouchure de la Tamise').
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi suworowi Rabinerson, 1927, Trudy Inst. Izuch. Sev., 34: 59, 84 (Chyoshskyi Gulf, Kambal'ni
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi n. probatowi: Yessipov, 1938: 157, 159 (Barents Sea near Kolguev Island, Pechorskyi Bay, Y
SynonymClupea latulus Cuvier, 1829, Règne Animal, ed. II, 2: 318 (after Schonevelde, 1624).
SynonymClupea alba Yarrell, 1829a and b, Zool. Journ., 4: 137, 465, pl. V (fig. 2) (at the mouth of the Thames).
SynonymClupea Leachii Yarrell, 1832, Zool. Journ., 5 (1830): 277, pl. XII (mouth of Thames and Medway).
SynonymClupea harengus atlanticus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 526, 529, fig. 33 (Smalls).
SynonymClupea harengus ivernicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 526, 529, fig. 39A-B (Klondyke Hering).
SynonymClupea harengus scoticus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 527, 529, fig. 18 (Firth of ForthHering).
SynonymClupea harengus caledonicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 527, 529, fig. 28, 29A (Hebriden-Hering).
SynonymClupea harengus frisius Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 527, 529, fig. 3436 (ZuiderseeHering).
SynonymClupea harengus cimbricus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 528-529, fig. 38, 41 (JütlandHering).
SynonymClupea harengus harengus n. membras: Berg, 1948: 158 | Svetovidov, 1952: 140, pl. III (fig. 1).
SynonymClupea harengus: Moreau, 1881, 3: 443 | Wheeler, 1969: 133, pl. 4 (col.).
SynonymClupea harengus britannicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, Zeitschr. Morphol. Ökol. Tiere 21: 526, 529, fig. 11, 20, 33B (Ka
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi n. maris-albi: Berg, 1948: 151, fig. 102-103 | Andriashev, 1954: 83, fig. 40.
