Clupea harengus


name hareng commun
name belomorskaya sel'd
name sled
name silakka
name arenque
name sild
name atlantic herring
name Hering
name haring
name sill
Alternative name silli
Alternative name salaka
Alternative name herring
Alternative name strömming
Alternative name sel'd
Alternative name hareng
Alternative name seld
Alternative name chyoshsko-pechorskaya sel'd
Valid name Clupea harengus
Synonymherring [UK and USA]
SynonymCommon names:
Synonymharing [Netherlands and Belgium]
Synonymatlantic herring [UK and USA]
Synonymhareng [France and Belgium]
Synonymhareng commun [France and Belgium]
SynonymClupea Harengus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X: 317.
SynonymClupea harengus harengus Linnaeus, 1758
SynonymClupea harengus Linnaeus, 1758
SynonymClupea harengus membras Linnaeus, 1761
SynonymCyprinus esca Pennant, 1769).
Synonym? Clupea lineolata Valenciennes, 1847).
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi maris-albi Heincke, 1898).
SynonymClupea harengus var. membras: Heincke, 1898, LXIV, pl. I (fig. l) (col.).
SynonymClupea harengus marisalbi Berg, 1923
SynonymClupea harengus suworowi Rabinerson, 1927
SynonymClupea harengus harengus n. murmanica Tikhonov, 1941, Trans. Knipovitch Polar Scient. Inst. Sea-Fischer. Oceano
SynonymClupea harengus Heincke, 1898, Naturgesch. Herings: LXV, tabl. LXVI-LXIX, pl. VII (fig. 1), pl. XIV (fig. 1), pl. XVI (fi
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi maris-albi var. alpha Rabinerson, 1925, ibid.: 80 (Kandalaksha and Onega Bays, small herri
SynonymClupea harengus beta membras Linnaeus, 1761, Fauna Svecica, ed. II: 128 ('beta stromming vero minor ex mari Bothnico').
SynonymClupea membras: Pallas, 1811: 211 (partly).
SynonymClupea harengus scandicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Norwegischer Hering Form A).
SynonymClupea harengus borealis Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Frühjahrshering von Island).
SynonymClupea harengus septemtrionalis Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Färöer-Hering).
SynonymClupea harengus norvegicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Norwegischer Hering Form B).
SynonymClupea harengus islandicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 529 (Sommerhering von Island).
SynonymClupea harengus membras: G. Berg, 1932, 1: 95.
SynonymClupea pallasi probatowi Makushok, 1935, Za rîbn. industr. Severa, 1: 23 (Yugorskyi Shar Strait, Karskyi Bay).
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi maris-albi var. alpha Rabinerson, 1925, Trudy Inst. Izuch. Sev., 25: 80 (Kandalaksha Bay,
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi n. suworowi: Svetovidov, 1952: 163, pl. IV (fig. 2).
SynonymClupea harengus Linnaeus, 1758 s.l., Syst. Nat., ed. X: 317 ('Habitat in M. Europareis')(Int, Zool. Nomencl. Direction 57
SynonymClupea harengus harengus: Andriashev, 1954: 74, fig. 39/1.
SynonymRogenia alba Valenciennes, 1847, ibid.: 341, pl. 508 ('embouchure de la Tamise').
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi suworowi Rabinerson, 1927, Trudy Inst. Izuch. Sev., 34: 59, 84 (Chyoshskyi Gulf, Kambal'ni
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi n. probatowi: Yessipov, 1938: 157, 159 (Barents Sea near Kolguev Island, Pechorskyi Bay, Y
SynonymClupea latulus Cuvier, 1829, Règne Animal, ed. II, 2: 318 (after Schonevelde, 1624).
SynonymClupea alba Yarrell, 1829a and b, Zool. Journ., 4: 137, 465, pl. V (fig. 2) (at the mouth of the Thames).
SynonymClupea Leachii Yarrell, 1832, Zool. Journ., 5 (1830): 277, pl. XII (mouth of Thames and Medway).
SynonymClupea harengus atlanticus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 526, 529, fig. 33 (Smalls).
SynonymClupea harengus ivernicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 526, 529, fig. 39A-B (Klondyke Hering).
SynonymClupea harengus scoticus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 527, 529, fig. 18 (Firth of ForthHering).
SynonymClupea harengus caledonicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 527, 529, fig. 28, 29A (Hebriden-Hering).
SynonymClupea harengus frisius Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 527, 529, fig. 3436 (ZuiderseeHering).
SynonymClupea harengus cimbricus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, ibid.: 528-529, fig. 38, 41 (JütlandHering).
SynonymClupea harengus harengus n. membras: Berg, 1948: 158 | Svetovidov, 1952: 140, pl. III (fig. 1).
SynonymClupea harengus: Moreau, 1881, 3: 443 | Wheeler, 1969: 133, pl. 4 (col.).
SynonymClupea harengus britannicus Schnakenbeck, 1931b, Zeitschr. Morphol. Ökol. Tiere 21: 526, 529, fig. 11, 20, 33B (Ka
SynonymClupea harengus pallasi n. maris-albi: Berg, 1948: 151, fig. 102-103 | Andriashev, 1954: 83, fig. 40.
