Valid name
Anoplogaster cornuta
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | Anoplogaster cornuta Valenciennes, 1833 |
Synonym | Hoplostethus cornutus Valenciennes, 1833, in Cuv. Val., Hist. nat. Pois., 9: 470 (southwestern part of the Atlanti |
Synonym | Caulolepis longidens Gill, 1884a, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 6: 258 (northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean). Holotyp |
Synonym | Anoplogaster cornuta: Grey, 1955b: 292, fig. 53 (references). |
Synonym | Caulolepis subulidens Garman, 1899, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool., 2A: 60 (Gulf of Panama). Holotype: MCZ no. 28761. |