Dasyatis centroura


name Trigone spinoso
name Roughtail stingray
name Pastenague épineuse
name Raja latigo lija
Valid name Dasyatis centroura
SynonymPastenague épineuse [France and Belgium]
SynonymRoughtail stingray [UK and USA]
SynonymDasyatis centroura (Mitchill, 1815)
SynonymPastinaca acanthura Gray, 1854, Gronow's Catal. Fish.: 12 ('in Mari Mediterraneo et Americano'). No type material.
SynonymTrygon thalassia: Soljan, 1963: 71, fig.
SynonymTrygon thalassia Müller and Henle, 1841, Syst. Beschr. Plagiost.: 161 (no type locality). No type material (reference to
Synonym? Trygon aspera Cuvier, 1817, Règne anim., 2: 136 (no type locality). No type material (reference to Pastinaca aspera<
SynonymTrygon brucco Bonaparte, 1834, Iconogr. Fauna Ital.: fasc. VI, pta. 34, 2 p., 1 pl. (Mediterranean off Italy). Two syntyp
SynonymDasyatis centrurus: Gilbert, 1883: 47-48.
SynonymPastinaca aspera: Moreau, 1891: 12-14.
SynonymDasyatis centroura: Capapé, 1977: 84, fig. 4-5.
SynonymRaja centroura Mitchill, 1815, Trans. Lit. phil. Soc. N.Y., 1(5): 479 (Long Island New York). No type material.
SynonymPastinaca hastata Dekay, 1842, Zool. N.Y.: 473, pl. LXV (fig. 214) (Rhode Island). No type material.
SynonymTrygon aspera: Dieuzeide et al., 1953: 120-121.
SynonymTrygon aldrovandi Risso, 1826, Hist. nat. Europe mérid., 3: 160-161 (off Nice). No type material.
SynonymDasybatus (Pastinachus) marinus Garman, 1913, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 36: 382, pl. XXXIII (fig. 1-2), pl. XLIV (fig.
SynonymTrygon brucco: Müller and Henle, 1841:162 | Soljan, 1963: 73, fig.
SynonymDasyatis brucco: Griffini, 1903: 128 | Tortonese and Trotti, 1949: 27.
SynonymDasyatis thalassia: Griffini, 1903: 129 | Tortonese and Trotti, 1949: 28.
SynonymDasyatis aspera: Lozano Rey, 1928: 626-631, fig. 184-186.
