Etmopterus spinax


name zwarte doornhaai
name Velvet belly
name Sagre commun
name Negrito
Valid name Etmopterus spinax
SynonymVelvet belly [UK and USA]
Synonymzwarte doornhaai [Netherlands and Belgium]
SynonymCommon names:
SynonymSagre commun [France and Belgium]
SynonymEtmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758)
SynonymEtmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758)
SynonymSpinax niger Cloquet, 1816, Dict. Sci. nat., | (suppl.): 93 (new name only).
SynonymEtmopterus aculeatus Rafinesque, 1810, Caratt. Gen. Spec. Sicil.: 14, pl. XIII (fig. 3) (off Sicily). No type material.
SynonymSpinax spinax: Cuvier, 1817:130.
SynonymAcanthias spinax: Risso, 1826:132.
SynonymSpinax linnei Malm, 1877, Göteborgs och Bohusläns fauna: 626 (new name only).
SynonymSqualus spinax Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1: 233 ('Habitat in Europa'). No type material.
SynonymSqualus spinax: Gunnerus, 1765b: 284290, pl. VII.
SynonymSqualus (Acanthias) infernus Blainville, 1820-1830, in Vieillot: Faune franç.: 59-60, pl. XIV (fig. 2) (Mediterranean). N
SynonymSpinax gunneriReinhardt, 1825, Overs. K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. (1824-1825): 3 (new name only).
SynonymEtmopterus spinax: Smitt, 1895: 1163-1166, fig. 340-341, pl. LI (fig. 3) | Ledoux, 1970: 339-341, fig. 13.
SynonymSqualus gunneri: Lilljeborg, 1891: 673-678 | Saemundsson, 1926: 473-475, fig. 249.
SynonymSpinax niger: Bonaparte, 1836: fasc. XIV, XVII, pta. 84, 2 p., fig. 1 | Müller and Henle, 1841: 86-87 | Krøyer, 1852-1853
