Balistes vetula


  • Böhlke, J. E.; Chaplin, C. C. G. 1968. Fishes of the Bahamas and adjacent tropical waters, Philadelphia: xxiii + 771 p., fig. 1-223, 511 fig. n. num., pl. 1-36, 7 pl. (plain) n. num.
  • Fowler, H. W. 1936. The Marine Fishes of West Africa, based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition 1909-1915. Bull. am. Mus. nat. Hist., 70 (1), Jan. 21,.
  • Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X, vol. 1, 824 pp. Nantes & Pisces: pp. 230-338. (Reprint, 1956, London.).
  • Randall, J. E. 1968. Caribbean Reef Fishes. T.F.H. Publ., Jersey City: 318 pp., 324 fig.
  • Smith, J. L. B. 1949b. The sea fishes of southern Africa. South Africa, 580 p., 111 pl., 1232 fig. (other editions: 1950, 1953, 1961, 1965, 1970).