- Andriashev, A. P. 1954. Ryby severnykh morei SSSR. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Moskwa-Leningrad. (English trans. 1964, Jerusalem, IPST, 617 pp., 300 fig.).
- Day, F. 1880-1884. The Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. London-Edinburgh, 2 vol., cxii+336 pp., 5 +7 fig., 92 pl. and 388 pp., 87 pl. 1880: 1(1): pp. 1-64, pl. I-XXVII; 1881: 1(2) (3): pp. 65-240, pl. XXVIII-LXVIII; 1882: 1(4): pp. 241-336, pl. LXIX-XCII; 2 (5): pp. 1-96, pl. XCIII-CXVI; 1883: 2 (6): pp. 97-176, pl. CXVII-CXXXII; 2 (7): pp. 177-272, pl. CXXXIII-CXLVIII; 1884: 2 (8): pp. 273-368, pl. CXLIX-CLXXIX.
- Donovan, E. 1802-1808. The Natural History of British Fishes including scientific and general descriptions of the most interesting species, and an extensive selcction of accurately finished coloured plates, London. 1, 1802: [1-70], pl. I-XXIV; 2, 1903: [71-164], pl. XXV-XLVIII; 3, 1804: [165-300], pl. XLIX-LXXII; 4, 1806: [301-406], pl. LXXIII-XCVI; 5, 1808: [407-516], pl. XCVIICXX.