Arnoglossus kessleri


  • Ben-Tuvia, A. 1971b. Revised list of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel. Israel J. Zool., 20: pp. 1-39.
  • Bonaparte, C. L. 1832-1841. Iconografia della Fauna italica per le quattro classi degli Animali Vertebrati, tomo III, Pesci, Roma, without pagination, 75 puntate (in 30 fasc.), 78 pl. 1832: Fasc. I (Puntate 1-6), 2 pl.; 1833: II-V (pp. 7-28),12 pl.; 1834: VI-XI (pp. 29-58), 12 pl.; 1835: XII-XIV (pp. 59-79), 12 pl.; 1836: XV-XVIII (pp. 80-93), 10 pl.; 1837: XIX-XXI (pp. 94-103, pp. 105-109), 5 pl.; 1838: XXII-XXIII (pp. 104, pp. 110-120), 2 pl.; 1839: XXIV-XXVI (pp. 121-135), 8 pl.; 1840: XXVII-XXIX (pp. 136-154), 10 pl.; 1841: XXX (pp. 155-160), 5 pl.
  • Kalinina, E. M. 1960. [Postlarval development and metamorphosis in Arnoglossus kessleri Schm.]. Zool. Zh., 39: 1050-1055 (in Russian).
  • Padoa, E. 1956b. Triglidae, Peristediidae, Dactylopteridae, Gobiidae, Echeneidae, Jugulares, Gobiesocidae, Heterosomata, Pediculati in Uova, larve e stadi giovanili di Teleostei. Fauna Flora Golfo Napoli, 38: pp. 627-888, fig. 504-785, pl. XXXIX-L.
  • Schmidt, P. 1915. On a new flat fish of the genus Arnoglossus from the Black Sea. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 8 (16): 108-109. .
  • Torchio, M. 1963a. Pleuronectes grohmanni Bonaparte, 1837 (Pisces): proposed suppression under the plenary powers as a nomen dubium. Z.N. (S.), 1579. Bull zool. Nom., 20 (5): 372 pp.