Pungitius platygaster


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  • Berg, L. S. 1916b. Les poissons des eaux douces de la Russie, Moscou: xxvii+563 pp., 365 fig. (Russian).
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  • Muus, B. J.; Dahlström, P. 1968. Guide des Poissons d'eau douce et Peche, Delachaux & Niestlé, Neuchatel: 243 pp., num. col. n. num. fig., 105 n. num. maps.
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  • Steindachner, F. 1899. Über das Vorkommen von Gasterosteus platygaster Kessl. im Stromgebiet der Donau. Sber. Akad Wiss., Wien, 108 (1): 539-542.
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  • Yakovlev, V. E. 1869-1870. 0 novych i maloizvestnych ryb, vstrechayushchikysya v ust'yakh Volgi [List of Teleostean fish found at the mouth of the Volga]. Trudy Obshch. Esrest., Kazan, 1(2): pp. 101-111.